Retirement Coaching

Recognizing that the prospect of retirement is daunting for many people, Vertical Bridge HR, offers a unique retirement coaching program for individuals who are transitioning to the next phase of their life.  

We understand that retirement is a momentous life event that most of us will eventually face, along with the challenge of a shift in our daily routine, and a potential decrease in our social interactions.

We can assist you as you metaphorically (or perhaps literally) plan to sail off into the sunset. 

Start the retirement journey

We’ll help you begin the planning process for retirement, and take the guess work out of where to begin.

Not to be confused with financial planning, retirement coaching will help you successfully transition to this new phase in your life.

Retirement marks a major milestone in our lives, and a period of considerable transformation.  For much of our adult lives, work and our career has been a major focus and a part of our identity.  For many, it provides purpose and gives us a sense of pride and achievement.  Planning for your retirement, requires the same level of commitment and rigor as planning other major transitions in your life. 

Start the retirement journey

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