Why Smart Employers Focus on Employee Happiness
“Now the onus is on employers to keep their best employees happy.” – Mark Cuban
Every year, companies spend billions of dollars recruiting and interviewing. Why? Because they want to make sure they’re hiring the best talent out there.
So why is it that once those employers get that talent, they don’t work as hard to keep their people around?
The NBA is a prime example.
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A Word from the Top
I don’t know about you, but I always feel like September is the beginning of a new year; summer’s over and the kids are back in school. There are many surveys and key indicators that this is also the time of year when unhappy or disengaged employees start to look for a new job. For that reason alone, this is a great time to take a look at how you’re engaging and retaining your employees, are they happy?
I know, we’re happiest when we are helping our clients to create engaging workplaces!
On another note, we’re pleased to feature a new contributor to our newsletter, lawyer, Charlene Cleary. Please check out “The Legal Buzz”, a new section featured in our newsletter and blog.
Have a great September!
Warm regards,
Sandra Reder, CPC
President & Founder
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