
February 2020 – Legal Buzz

2024-04-05T07:35:03-07:00February 24th, 2020|Legal, Newsletter|

What our employees do outside of work is not our business, right? It depends. In some interoffice dating scenarios, the relationship or interactions may interfere with the employees’ jobs, reporting structure or safety.

February 2020 – Want to Keep Your Best Workers From Quitting? Start Practicing This Daily Habit of the Best Companies

2024-04-05T07:45:26-07:00February 21st, 2020|HR, Newsletter|

It is human nature to want to feel recognized by managers and co-workers for good performance and hard work. We are wired to desire praise and recognition, and it's good for our brains. The chemical dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, stimulates the parts of the brain that process rewards and create positive emotions like satisfaction and enjoyment.

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